
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Anatoly Valovoy
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Halberds and spears
25 Assets

Package Overview

Qualitative models of halberds and spears.
The set consists of 25 objects (14 halberds and 11 spears).
Each object has PBR textures with a resolution of 2048x2048.
The total number of triangles is 31822
Halberd_01 - 2708 tris
Halberd_02 - 1730 tris
Halberd_03 - 1822 tris
Halberd_04 - 1034 tris
Halberd_05 - 708 tris
Halberd_06 - 472 tris
Halberd_07 - 1800 tris
Halberd_08 - 1140 tris
Halberd_09 - 2186 tris
Halberd_10 - 2430 tris
Halberd_11 - 1346 tris
Halberd_12 - 1556 tris
Halberd_13 - 994 tris
Halberd_14 - 1112 tris
Lanse_01 - 884 tris
Lanse_02 - 740 tris
Lanse_03 - 796 tris
Lanse_04 - 828 tris
Lanse_05 - 760 tris
Lanse_06 - 1064 tris
Lanse_07 - 1056 tris
Lanse_08 - 988 tris
Lanse_09 - 860 tris
Lanse_10 - 972 tris
Lanse_11 - 876 tris