Volkite Falconet Battery

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> The Volkite Culverin's big sister. The Volkite Falconet Battery is a pair of extremely large Volkite weapons mounted exclusively on the Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought. The size of the Volkite Falconet Battery allows it to lay waste to large numbers of enemy units, and we mean a metric shit ton. Seriously, just look at the size and length of the barrel and imagine it being dual-wielded by a dreadnought. 'Tis some scary shit. The Volkite Falconet Battery is often paired with the Boreas Air Defence Missile Platform, which makes the Deredeo a sufficient anti-air vehicle whilst having the weapon to deal with those pesky infantry trying to outflank it. [Source](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Volkite_Weaponry#Volkite_Falconet_Battery) If you like what you see, consider supporting me on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5005309)