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Relief representing the crucifixion of Christ (Stabat Mater Dolorosa), preserved in the cathedral of Sigüenza (Spain), inside the chapel of Saint Peter and under the tomb of the Sigüenza bishop D. Fernando de Luxán. In the center we can see the image of Jesus crucified, the Virgin Mary is standing to the right hand side of the body of her son Jesus on the Cross, with Saint John the Apostle standing to the left. The representation of a crux commissa stands out.
3D model made in Reality Capture using 477 images with additional processing completed in Geomagic Wrap.
This work is part of the collaboration agreement signed in 2020 between the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and Global Digital Heritage. We want to thank the Bishopric of Sigüenza-Guadalajara and the cathedral chapter, especially D. Jesús de las Heras, D. Miguel Ángel Ortega and D. Julián García, for the facilities and for the interest they have shown in the project.