Matcap will show the detail of the stone markings beautifully.
It should be noted that a few more details are evident on this rendering compared to John Sheriff's 1995 illustration.

This stone is no longer in it's original postion, being moved 130 yards south from a road junction. The stone previously sat on the boundary between the parishes of Dunnichen and Rescobie. "Girdle" refers to the larger circle which resembles a cooking utensil of the same name. There is a cup and ring mark in the center with additional cup marks, an elongated S and more modern graffiti. Also visible are Ordnance survey marks.
Plus one folk tale surrounds this stone :-
“Tradition says a witch was carrying this boulder from ‘the Crafts’ of Carmylie in her apron, when the strings broke, and the stone fell where it now lies.” (Alex Warden 1882)