3D scan of a juvenile American alligator (*Alligator mississippiensis*). Alligators are native to the southeastern United States and to northeastern Mexico. They live in freshwater wetlands such as marshes and swamps. Apart from this species there is only one other extant *Alligator*: the Chinese alligator (*Alligator sinensis*).
The American alligator can be found in Hall 28 of the NHM Vienna.
**Specimen**: *Alligator mississippiensis* (Daudin, 1802)
**Inventory number**: NHMW-Zoo-HS 15682
**Collection**: Natural History Museum Vienna, 1st Zoological Dept., Herpetology Coll. (curator: Silke Schweiger)
Find out more about the NHMW [here](http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/en).
Scanned and edited by Anna Haider & Viola Winkler (NHMW)
Scanner: Artec Leo. Infrastructure funded by the FFG.