Asset Overview
3D scan of a taxidermized Gharial adult female and juvenile (*Gavialis gangeticus*). These reptiles are domestic to Nepal and India and live in freshwater rivers. Even though their appearance may give another impression, these fish-eaters are no threat to humans.
Both of these Gharials cannot be found in the showrooms of the NHM Vienna, but a gharial pair is shown in Hall 28 of the NHM Vienna. They are Number 70 of the NHM Top 100.

©Lois Lammerhuber
**Specimen**: *Gavialis gangeticus* (Gmelin, 1789)
**Inventory number**: Adult NHMW-Zoo-HS 1978; Juvenile NHMW-Zoo1-HS 562
**Collection**: Natural History Museum Vienna, 1st Zoological Dept., Herpetology Coll. (curator: Silke Schweiger)
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Scanned and edited by Anna Haider & Viola Winkler (NHMW)
Scanner: Artec Leo&Space Spider. Infrastructure funded by the FFG.