This is a photoscan of an old wooden deer (stag) I purchased years ago. I created the model from around 75 photos and used Reality Capture to generate the mesh and textures.
I used the smoothing brush (from the sculpting tools) in Blender to clean up some bumpy topology and the ‘mask select’ tool and the ‘Mask slice and fill holes’ option to remove part of the wooden table that was also captured and to close the gaps left at the bottom of the deer's hooves.
Then I used the excellent addon called Quad Remesher to reduce the poly count. Initially it was about 6 million faces, but got this down to about 185,000 but could go lower if it were required. I UV unwrapped and imported the mesh back into Reality Capture to project the textures from the initial mesh to the new edited mesh. I finished off by making some tweaks in Substance painter and filled in some missing texture gaps.
Blender Cycles Render: