Jug from roman villa of S. Cucufate, Alentejo, Portugal. Late Antiquity (Probably 6th century AD or 7th century AD.). Narrow neck ritual jug, with flat bottom and ocher paste with orange outer shell. This specimen comes from Sepultura 2, a wooden sarcophagus placed inside a brick box, located on the perimeter of the ancient Roman temple that was later transformed into a place of Christian worship. It contained the skeleton of an adult man, two rings, two shoe soles, a dolabra, and a jug. The grave was intact, so the findings correspond to the offerings made at the time of burial. The piece is displayed in the permanent exhibition of the museum of S. Cucufate (Vila de Frades, Vidigueira). Catalog No. CUC. 83 4611 (T2). Processed and modeled in Reality Capture from 489 photos
ALARCÃO, Jorge de, Robert Étienne, Françoise Mayet (colaboração de J.-P. Bost, G. Charpentier, V. Mantas, I. Pereira e P. Sillières), (1990): Les villas romaines de S. Cucufate (Portugal), Paris.