Asset Overview
Keksijä Eric Tigerstedtin (1887-1925) äänielokuvakokeiluissa hyödyntämä laite, telegrafoni, on tanskalaisen keksijä Valdemar Poulsenin (1869-1942) keksintö. Tigerstedt tutustui Poulseniin muutettuaan Tanskaan vuonna 1915. Vain osa laitteen komponenteista on alkuperäisiä, sillä telegrafonia on muunneltu jälkikäteen.
One of the devices Finnish inventor Eric Tigerstedt (1887-1925) used in his various ‘talking picture’ experiments was this telegraphone by Danish inventor Valdemar Poulsen (1869-1942). Tigerstedt became acquainted with Poulsen after moving to Copenhagen in 1915. Only some of the components are original, as the device has been heavily modified even after Tigerstedt’s time.
The object (TM6544:204) and 3D model: Museum of Technology, Finland (member of Traffic Museums Association). The photogrammetric 3D model may include touch-ups and modelled additions.