Asset Overview
Sphinx of Amenemhat III, re-inscribed for Sethnakht and Rameses III
Middle Kingdom, Dyn. 12, reign of Amenemhat III, 1844–1797 B.C.
Findspot: Egypt, Tell Nabasha, Temple of Wadjet, pylon
Overall: 170 x 45.8 x 56 cm (66 15/16 x 18 1/16 x 22 1/16 in.) Mount (The sculpture sits on a steel pallet with a low 1/4"density pad ): 10.2 x 46.4 x 169.5 cm (4 x 18 1/4 x 66 3/4 in.)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 88.747
Photography and photogrammetry by Zhejiang University.
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