This model, made in Zbrush, is a reconstruction of a Roman oil lamp - the original is at the British Museum in London. A scan of the original is available on Sketchfab and I have used this for reference. My aim was to create a reconstruction that closely follows the original - but without using any of the scanned material in my model (see image below of original)
The lamp would have been filled with oil and a wick would have been inserted in the hole in the nozzle. For more information on the original lamp:
You are free to use this model in any (non comercial) way.
In terms of workflow - I made the model in Zbrush and modelled the two gladiator figures - full depth - and then used the bas relief feature to emboss them onto the lamp. I exported a low poly version of the lamp with a normal map and added textures in Substance Painter. I then did a direct upload to Sketchfab.