San Gennaro Catacomb Fresco, Naples (29)

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Global Digital Heritage
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CC BY-NC 4.0

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The arched niche (arcosolium) for 2 burials is located in a corridor in the upper level of the Catacombs of San Gennaro (Naples). Fragments of paintings are still preserved on the back wall of the niche and on the left side of the front of the niche. Each painting is made only of red dots and shows a medallion with a cross and the Christogram and the Greek letters Alpha and Omega (Symbols for the beginning and the end). The paintings are dated to the Early Medieval Ages. The Catacombs itself were used for burials from the 2nd century AD to the Middle Ages. Processed from 231 photos and 1 laser scan. The result of a joint project of GDH, the Zamani Project, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", and the Administration of the Catacombe di Napoli. Processed in Reality Capture. The descriptions were provided by Seniorprofessor Dr. Dieter Korol, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.. Project # 29.