I try to build a character from PILI puppet theater(霹雳布袋戏) named YinChuan HuDieJun(陰川蝴蝶君,meaning the Mr. Butterfly of hell?) with his weapons(蝴蝶斩,蝴蝶刀)

Demo Ver:https://skfb.ly/6PSYz
The full version has better shaders and textures, tweaks easily (or just contact me

I tweak some details and the rig are not prefect (Should bake and retopo further if needing).Please review the better look at Full Ver(A-Pose) scene:
The body models is generated by using the open-source tool “ManuelbastioniLAB”, so it is derivative of the characters created by Manuel Bastioni (www.manuelbastioni.com) and distributed under AGPL 3
The rest models here created by myself released under Sketchfab Standard License and I can rebuild the body part without AGPL3 if needing