Asset Overview
The Stolica (Eng.: Capital) tabletop radio receiver was manufactured in 1955-1959 by Zakłady Radiowe im. Marcina Kasprzaka (ZRK), located in Warsaw’s Wola district. It is a six-circuit superheterodyne designed to receive long, medium and short wave in the amplitude modulation system (AM), powered with alternating current. The Stolica is a modernised version of the Syrena radio – the first radio fully developed and manufactured by ZRK. The radio was manufactured in five model versions. Apart from the base version, with no Roman numeral in the name. The devices differed mostly in shape and profile of the housing, as well as the range of available frequencies. The ranges differed depending on the foreign market to which the model was to be exported.
Manufacturer: Zakłady Radiowe im. M. Kasprzaka, 1955-1959
Inv. no.: MIM1847/V-466
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA