**Pro-tip**: do not hesitate to pause and scroll through the animation !
Still a WIP, but I'm making progress with OpenData (after some [tests with NY](https://skfb.ly/6LUFv)), and decided to explore the dataset of the [arrests in Los Angeles from 2010 to present](https://data.lacity.org/A-Safe-City/Arrest-Data-from-2010-to-Present/yru6-6re4/data).
I animated the data by regrouping the arrests according to the time of the day (each frame represents 15 min, and the animation starts at midnight), and regrouped them under 7 distinct categories (c.f. annotation).
Some interesting patterns might be related to:
* partying and fighting in Hollywood and Downtown LA (big bright spots)
* alcohol and drug consumption late at night (red roads)
* prostitution and gambling on the boulevards (bright blue lines)
* pick-pockets at touristic places? (turquoise spots)
* ...
What I'd like to try next:
* Animated legends for readability
* "Time of day" system
* Better layering: is 3D really relevant for such datasets ?