Asset Overview
¡Welcome to the nostalgic world of CDADR (Club Deportivo Aeromodelos Del Rionegro [1988 - 2022])!, the once thriving Radio Control Model Aeroclub located in Rionegro, Antioquia (Colombia). This club was a hub for aviation enthusiasts, bringing together a community of like-minded individuals to share their passion for flying.
Accurate and realistic 3D-VR scene!
A 1km2 mission was carried out using a RGB sensor in the [Ozone UAS system](
So take a step back in time and experience the legacy of CDADR, the Radio Control Model Aeroclub of Rionegro, Antioquia. This 3D-VR scene is a tribute to the passion, skills, flights and memories of the club's members and will remain a timeless reminder of their dedication to the art and sport of flying.
30.01.2023 Updated