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Author name
Istvan Szalai
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Survivor Asset Pack
62 Assets

Package Overview

Survivor Asset Pack with many models. Setupable, expandable weapons, pistol, machinegun, shotgun and sniper gun. Separated magazines, bullets, ammo packs for the complex survival games. Pills, health pack and complete healing pack with syringe. Saw, matchbox and melee weapons. Water and alcohol bottles and many more assets for a detailed game. These assets good for a survivor or battleground games..
- Many complex, setuped prefabs.
- Separated parts for animation.
- Separated weapon parts for building.
- 2048x2048 main textures.
- 62 setuped prefabs.
- 47 materials.
- 40 meshes.
- 138 textures.
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