Top fragment of a Maya stela originating from Aguateca according to Michel Hoppan and Alexandre Solcà, 2017 and 2020. Exhibited in the Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève, Switzerland (MEG Inv. ETHAM 050517). Limestone, 94 cm height and 65 cm width, relief depth 2 cm. Further documentation available at the Museum's website and in the article by Michel Hoppan and Alexandre Solcà who are attributing the stela to Aguateca,, and
The original metadata from the Musée d'Ethnographie, Genève reads: "Stèle maya représentant un souverain effectuant un rituel d'aspersion; Guatemala Région du Petén; Maya. 9e siècle; Pierre. H 94 cm P 6,5 cm; Acquise à Genève en 1978; MEG Inv. ETHAM 050517". Published courtesy of Carine Durand, Musée d'Ethnographie, Genève, 2021.
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