This is the center of a vertex-first projection of the 120-cell, or hyperdodecahedron, a 4-dimensional polytope. In four dimensions, it is a regular polytope consisting of 120 regular dodecahedra, evenly tiling the 3D "surface" of the hypersphere.
That polytope can be projected down into normal, Euclidean 3-space at different angles. [Zometool]( was originally conceived by Marc Pelletier based on the cell-first projection, which has a regular dodecahedral cell at the center. This model shows the "opposite" projection, with a vertex at the center.
In this projection, there are no regular dodecahedra at all, but the four tetrahedrally-arranged central dodecahedra are all congruent.
You can build this in reality using yellow and green Zometool struts, in combination with maroon, olive, and lavender [vZome]( struts, available from [Shapeways]( as 3D-prints.