Knockadoon Neolithic House Site A

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Archaeological Survey of Ireland
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Asset Overview

Rectangular-shaped Neolithic house (Site A) (SMR No. LI032-022010-) discovered in 1939 during a campaign of archaeological excavations at Knockadoon (Cnoc an Dúin / Hill of the fort), Lough Gur, Co. Limerick, by Professor Seán P. Ó Ríordáin. Wall footings of a rectangular house which measures internally 9.75m from north to south by 6.1m from east to west, standing on south-west facing sloping land overlooking the shoreline of Lough Gur which now lies 60m to the south but was much closer in prehistoric times. A gap in the stone footings measuring 1m wide at south-west corner represents the original entrance. The prehistoric site is on private land and there is no access to the monument without the landowner's permission. The site is located within an area of dense archaeological activity dating principally from the Neolithic and Bronze Age up to the present day around the lake. For more detailed description of the house site, visit:

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