Temple of Asclepius - Pompeii

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The temple of Asclepius at Pompeii is the smallest religious building at the famous archaeological site. The attribution to the god of healing and medicine is uncertain, but is based on the finding of a medical kit and of statues believed to represent Asclepius and his daughter Hygeia. It was a fairly old building by the time of the eruption, it's likely date of construction being sometime in the 2nd or 3rd century BCE. This reconstruction is hypothetical. Apart from the altar and a few pilaster capitals the temple is not very well preserved. --- Il tempio detto di Esculapio e l'edificio di culto piu piccolo di Pompeii. Non si sa con certezza chi fosse venerato in questa localita, ma il ritrovamento di una cassetta medica ed una statue di uomo barbuto fa pensare a Esculapio. Il tempio era gia antico al epoca del eruzione, fu probabilmente eretto tra il terzo e secondo secolo a.C. --- More info/piu informazioni: http://pompeiisites.org/en/archaeological-site/temple-of-aesculapius-or-jupiter-meilichios/

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