***Homo erectus***
Location: Modjokerto, East Java, Indonesia.
Age: 1.49 – 1.43 million years ago.
Material: plaster cast.
Dimensions: length, 140 mm; width, 110 mm; height, 96 mm.
Notes: RLA catalog no. 1979rp29 (cast). Calvarium of a child known variously as Mojokerto child, Mojokerto 1, and Perning 1. Fossil was discovered in 1936 by Ralph von Koenigswald, classified as *Pithecanthropus modjokertensis*, and later re-classified as *Homo modjokertensis*. Cast made by the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. From the teaching collection of the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Model by Chloe Scattergood.