Asset Overview
Charles Antoine Coysevox (September 29, 1640 – October 10, 1720), French sculptor, was born at Lyon, and belonged to a family which had emigrated from Franche-Comté, a Spanish possession at the time. The name should be pronounced quazevo.
The Seine, Antoine Coysevox (Lyon, 1640 - Paris, 1720) Marble H. : 2.78 m. ; L. : 1.40 m. ; Pr. : 1.03 m. One of the four groups ordered for the "river" of Marly Park, it is a counterpart to the statue of La Marne at the top of the waterfall. The plaster model was installed in 1699, and the marble was executed in 1706. Seized at Marly Park in 1796, the group decorated Saint-Cloud Park from 1801 to 1872. The inscription "Le Rhône" placed on the plinth is apocryphal.