Asset Overview
15th Century alabaster effigies of Sir David and Dame Margery Roucliffe, in the southern chantry chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Pickering, North Yorkshire.
The effigies are fine examples of the type, despite being somewhat damaged. The wonderful medieval wall paintings in the church were painted over during the Reformation, and the damage may also have been sustained then. Sir David's feet rest on a lion, and Dame Margery's two dogs. Their pillows are supported by winged beasts of some kind. Clothing is particularly well represented, with the Knight's arms on his surcoat and the Dame's dress details visible. Their hands and faces have been defaced though, so Sir David now appears somewhat ghoulish.
The chantry was built in 1407, probably funded by the couple. Today it serves as a Lady Chapel, the tomb in place can be seen below.