Swedish Hemmema Styrbjörn

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Museovirasto Museiverket Finnish Heritage Agency
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CC BY 4.0

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Hemmema (Hämeenmaa) Styrbjörn was one of the newest and strongest ships to take part in the war between Sweden and Russia 1788-1790. Launched in the spring of 1790 alongside its sister ships Hjalmar and Starkotter, it was the largest archipelago fleet frigate in Sweden and the flagship of the Swedish line in the second battle of Svensksund (Ruotsinsalmi). This ship type is very similar to ocean-going frigates and the Russian Aleksandr class in armament, size and rigging, allthough this ship in particular had larger 36-pounders on the main deck. Hull dimensions: • Length at waterline: 43.3 m • Greatest width (breadth): 10.7 m • Greatest depth: 3 m Ship 04, Swedish Hemmema frigate, closed sails, 15.5.2020, programs: 3ds Max, UE4. This model was created in the Maritime Museum of Finland project "Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla" by Zoan Oy and is part of Smoke on the Waves experience at Maritime Centre Vellamo. https://kohtalonaruotsinsalmi.fi/

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