Asset Overview
Production of the Aga radio began in Poland in 1947, under licence from Aga-Baltic of Sweden and using parts, components and documentation it provided. The Aga model, as one of the first produced soon after the War, was assembled both at the factories in Warsaw and Dzierżoniów. Due to the high cost of both production and sales, the general impoverishment of society, and ongoing shortages of goods, the Aga radio wasn’t expected to bring radio reception to the masses quickly. As a result, plans were made to develop a Polish design for a cheap radio. Considering the post-war conditions, the Aga is a device with a complex design – it is a mains powered, six-tube, variable amplitude, superheterodyne, designed to receive short, medium and long wave radio. Its components were reused in the design of the Pionier radio, targeted at the mass market.
Manufacturer: Państwowe Zakłady Tele- i Radiotechniczne, 1947
Inv. No.: MIM291/V-43
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA