**Nom** : Roque Courbe quarry
**Description** : Quarry of Devonian limestones in the Agly massif (France). The limestones are deformed and show a transposition of bedding into a vertical foliation. Notice the numerous isoclinal folds that are very commonly unrooted.
**Roche** : Meta-limestones
**Dimensions** : 20*40*15 m approximatively.
**Âge** : Protolith is Devonian; metamorphism and deformation are late Carboniferous to Early Permian.
**Localité** : Roque Courbe, Planèzes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France : 42°46'10.6"N 2°37'01.1"E
**Méthode** : DJI mavic pro II, photogrammetry Meshroom 2019.
**Réalisation** : Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / CMI Géologie Appliquée / projets REVE et NIRVANA - Contributeur : Philippe Goncalves - Date : 01/10/2020.